Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Spirals and Slices

I'm having a hard time getting started today, but at least yesterday I finally took some photos of new items so that I can list a few more things for sale. I also took a few quick photos of other things I've been working on, just so I'd have something new for this blog.

I wrote a week or two ago that I was having fun making spiral beads, so I'll start with photos of several sets of those. There are more in different colors, but this will give you an idea, at least, of what I'm talking about.

There's nothing in these photos to use for scale, but they're all relatively small-- under an inch long, and some about 3/4 of an inch long.

It's especially fun choosing the colors for each new batch. I usually have at least one large ceramic tile covered with a variety of clay mixes-- everything from "straight out of the package" solids to hand-tinted translucents with glitter inclusions. Looking over that selection, trying out different combinations, deciding what's lacking (and then mixing up whatever that might be) is a good way to play around with colors and perfect your color-mixing skills.

More recently, I've been working on a new batch of pizza slices. I made a new pepperoni cane because I needed some bigger pepperonis for these larger slices (which are destined to become magnets). I can't decide whether I prefer the new pepperoni or the old one. Both will "do" just fine, but I ought to decide which is better, for future reference. These larger pizza slices are about two inches long:

And now I need to get up and do some housework so that I'll have time later to sit at the clay table. (I also need to work on listing an item or two. . . and spend some time figuring out the system at the new online shop!)


Sandy said...

Hello! I've been looking at your blog lately. I love over in Gulf Breeze Florida and I'm beginning to work with polymer clay and I'm taking a class Friday night. I love your work and your pictures. I'm enjoyed going through your blog and reading what you do and seeing the pictures. Also, I love your pictures of Norway...absolutely beautiful and does not look real.

I am wondering if there is anyone or anywhere that there are some good polymer clay classes in lower Alabama or near Pensacola??

Thanks, Sandy

Michael said...

Hi, Sandy!

Thanks so much! Congratulations on getting started with polymer clay! It's a lot of fun. :o)

I don't know of any classes around here, but then again, I haven't been actively looking.

Have you looked at this website?
It's made especially to catalog classes and workshops.

I've read that there's a guild in Pensacola. If you contact someone connected with that, they may know about classes in the area. Of course, you could also join the guild. Here's some info:

If you can't find all the classes you'd like, at least there's a lot of information available in books and for free online. :o) I have links to a few of those places on my blog. Polymer Clay Central is a great place for beginners, because you can ask exactly what you need to know and usually get a prompt answer.

Good luck in your search! If I can be of any more help, please don't hesitate to ask. :o)

Michael said...

Hm. It looks like that second link didn't copy completely. Let me try again. . .


Sandy said...

Michael...thank you so much for the information. I have been looking at your links and have found many helpful sites. I love the tutorials on some of the sites. I've bought a couple of books and hopefully I'll get started Friday on something. I love to see everyone's studios and work spaces, and it looks like people have a lot of tools and things...I guess some day I will, too. I might just contact you with a question or two if I get stumped. Thanks, sandy

Katie said...

I LOVE THE PIZZA!! I need to make some minature slices for my daughter's dollhouse. Thanks for the great idea!!

Michael said...

Glad you liked the idea! :o) I'm sure she'll love the pizza!

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